Tuesday, May 27, 2008

It's been a while....

Well,i know its been a long while since I blogged...techincal challenges,exams,work,ministry..but anyways life is good.

Want to talk about Conviction..
Have you ever had times where you know that you know that you know...that something is true or is gonna happen..
I recently went thru a bad experience and before i knew it the Spirit of God started ministering to me,he asked me to calm down,he asked me to;
1.Ask God,
2.Trust Him
After I prayed I immediately felt a deep conviction that the situation was going to be okay,that God wld see to it that it works well.What amazes me till today is that I didnt open my Bible,I dint to speak to anyone but I felt convinced God spoke to my heart and gave me a conviction of the truth of the matter.Confronting the situation,the sight was paralysing,I wanted to doubt the conviction I had,I wanted to cry..,I turned away and hoped when I'd look back God would show me a better picture.Turned around and the situation was still the same...My Spirit broke out in prayer..I poured out,In trust,in faith convinced that it was God who spoke into my heart that it was going to be okay. "As I laid my hands on her she moved her hand slightly..I knew,I knew..God is faithful.She would live and not die!live to declare the praises of God in the land of the living!"
As I write today,its been over two weeks the situation is still not better but I have never been even more convinced that its all going to be okay,I know God is faithful.I have since asked God what a conviction is...what it means...there is so much I have learnt...Mary when she got pregnant with Jesus,Daniel in the lion's Den, Daniel's friends in the fury furnace,Joseph in the dungeon,Abram when he left his home to a land he did not know...do you guys think conviction played a part?

I am going to talk more about conviction in my next blog..do send your comments.
Im off to ACTION CONFERENCE watch online visit www.celebratelife.tv
Will blog next week.