Monday, July 14, 2008

Conviction Series …

Part 1)

So many people have done so many daring and bold things…one would stop to wonder...what really made them do it? Many great men who have achieved significance in life have taken steps that no one has taken, steps most people wouldn’t dare take…what led them? What made them go on…..?

My spiritual father left USA at age 26 to come to Africa-Zimbabwe over 28years ago…A young man he was, never heard about Rhodesia never been to Africa… but he came…how did he do it? William Tyndale strangled and burnt choosing to die for you and I to have an English Bible today. What made him believe dying would solve his plea to the Kings of England? I’m inspired by his last words, "Lord, open the king of England's eyes." This prayer was answered three years later, in the publication of King Henry VIII’s 1539 English “Great Bible”
Other great men to note are Martin Luther, Mahatma Gandhi, Oral Roberts, Winston Churchill and our very own Nelson Mandela?

Conviction is a strong persuasion that something will happen; it is a trust, a confidence, sureness or certainty in what has not yet happened. It is an unshakable belief without need for proof or evidence or a firmly held belief; as other scholars would define it.
Over the next few weeks I will expound on conviction, I believe it is and important tool that God uses to communicate with us yet only a few have tapped into it. My spiritual father always says we need to be men and women of conviction…..I never quite knew what he meant until God showed me through a difficult experience that I wrote in my previous blog.

Now I can look back and say so many other doors have opened through God speaking to me through conviction. Nowadays I look for conviction in any area of my life or situation where there is unsure ness…it’s almost like a gut feeling! It’s knowing beyond a shadow of doubt that God is saying something, knowing that He is in control, not doubting him but having full confidence and trust in Him, in His word.

When you begin to walk in conviction here is what takes place;

1. You become a person who holds on.
It reminds me of what God, means when he says in Isaiah 41:10 Don’t panic. I'm with you. There's no need to fear for I'm your God. I'll give you strength. I'll help you. I'll hold you steady; keep a firm grip on you.
Like our father we need to keep a firm grip on the promises God has given us…We need to hold tight to what we know is true. My spiritual dad always talks about being men and women of conviction…letting the Spirit of God that is inside us persuade us, instill in us a trust and a confidence of a positive outcome concerning each and every situation we face.

2. You are led by faith not by your senses.
This is where what you see, feel, hear, taste and smell seizes to matter but God! What he has said, what you know, your conviction..
The roots of the meaning of the word ‘conviction’ are linked to the word ‘passion’..You begin to move with passion, with zeal…your passion which of course is very linked to your purpose!

To be continued……….(I will expound more on these points and also on how conviction is linked to Faith in the next blog.)