Friday, June 25, 2010

Live life to the fullest!

One can never really get to a point where they can say, I’m whole, I am perfectly done and will never make a mistake or act silly again. Why is it that despite all the tools, the advise, the lessons and the experiences noone can ever stand say, “I am done, I'm now perfectly perfect!” Who are we to think we can become perfect....I think we are our worst enemies, we beat ourselves up, we attach ourselves to perfectionism ideologies and beliefs yet I stand to be corrected: Can one really ever be perfected?

More and more I am realizing that life is not about being perfect but about dusting yourself up each time you fall and moving on. It’s not about how many times you are on the ground but like a basket ball its all about bouncing back up into the hands of your maker. Its time we learn to be free as children of God. Free enough to explore life without fear of making mistakes.I believe God intended for us to be so free that He didn’t plant us on one place like trees! Yet though planted trees shake, bloom and live to the fullest...what a lesson! We were blessed with the ability to move, to see, to experience through adventure and travel yet we limit ourselves afraid of making mistakes. Yet in trying so hard not to make mistakes we make so many!

I want to live, live like I have never lived before, I want to love, love passionately, I want to learn, learn and apply what I learn through travel, adventure and Life! And in the process, I don’t mind making mistakes…because I know that I can not be perfect. I like the quote that says; “Life is a journey and its not about arriving at the grave safely in a well preserved body but to skid in sideways, totally worn out shouting…whoa what a ride!”