Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Talk about Passion!

I belive that one's desire is meant to be their destiny!Delight yourself in the LORD; and he shall give you the desires of your heart.Your Passion comes from this treasure hidden in you by the one who created you.Pasion is a deep desire,a stamina that says;"I'll do it nomatter what happens!"Its a craving,a hunger on the inside of you,I think you cant really achieve much success in life unless you have an inner need to accomplish something and thats Passion.
Passion can also be said to be a divine obligation,Paul in the Bible said " I am indebted to God..."Passion is deeper than commitment,its more than intrest,its what you want to live for!Its deeper than a resolution,its a deep motivation that fuels you to live....Its so daily!


Unknown said...

you are an inspiration to me and i am sure i speak for many.may the glory of God continually be shown to you and through blessed.

Mike Murenzvi said...

My dear, where are the posts???? Should we assume that your blog will suffer a painful natural death by neglection? We still want to hear more about your (lost?) passion.