Sunday, February 17, 2008

I just can't give up!

Lately I been listening to Mary Mary's I just can’t give up now from the Album Thankful. This song is an experience of someone who is on the edge but just can’t let go of God.....there is an innate insight of passion, of fervor or vehemence to keep stirring to the fore, to press on.I believe we all have the ability to draw out of ourselves the strength to press on! The strength that comes from Christ who dwells on the inside of us… He who is life and he who has instilled in us passion and zest for life!(but as always the choice is ours!)In whatever situation, when the treacherous waters of this world are surging …press on, set yourself in motion do not be sluggish, keep moving forward.
I went through a hurdle this week and alas! I forgot to jump!! I bumped right into it hurt myself but I got up and I am standing!! The Passion which fuels me just couldn’t let me on the ground. Dear friends I urge you, discover your Passion. One speaker once said; “Do you run away from the things that make you cry? If so then you are running away from your Passion…which definitely is linked to your Purpose.” What makes you happy? What energizes you and exerts pressure on you to act? Discover who you are!


Mennard T. Chekayi said...

Great foto, fantastic blog, great writing...
Actually it confirms something to me which you sort of always tried to hide from me....
you got the Fire, you can put on a roll and lead masses to greatness...!!!!!

Unknown said...

i think passion is what makes anything worth pursuing. continue setting hearts ablaze for God with your blog. i for one am inspired more than ever to live, love and serve with passion. thanks be to God for carrying out His work through you!

Unknown said...

passion! i have had a lot about it but still no one has ever told me how one can identify their passion. i hope u have found u passion. i havnt, i hope i do so soon. u have a good spirit "never give up" cool website