Friday, March 14, 2008

I'ts "MY" Choice.

Been through quite a lot of experiences lately, ALL good, some negative but I CHOOSE to list them as good. Someone said when you encounter a challenging situation rather than asking "Why?" ask “For what purpose Lord?"...that was really a word in season for me.

Elections coming up, yes I’m going to vote but who for don’t know yet...I believe as a Child of God I’m gonna exercise my vote wisely. I’m voting for God, I’m waiting on the Holy Spirit to tell me where to cast my lot. I’ve seen a lot of emails over the past weeks; have attended a Prayer meeting for elections but guys its one thing to pray for the right Presidency and another to do God's will when casting your vote. Are we going to vote according to God's will or do we have our own preconceived ideas already bogged up in our minds? What will you CHOOSE to do?

Are you facing challenges? Are things just happening in your life in kinda like an automatic way? Do you believe in prayer? ....I pray and God orchestrates events in my life... for me things don’t just happen. You are where you are today as a result of the prayers you have made or the prayers you have NOT made! Make a CHOICE to shift things to the way you would want them to be. God honors people who pray. Pray with the WORD, every word is encrypted to perform, to hammer to achieve...God is looking for people who pray, people who stand in the Gap and pray.


Mike Murenzvi said...

March 29 is only 2 weeks away you are still unsure of who you'll vote for...? I find that a bit difficult to believe. In as much as you let the Holy Spirit guide your actions, you need to be aware of the signs. Many times in life we ask for guidance from God but we don't know what to look for in the answer to the prayer. Be careful not to miss your answer to stand up and be counted.

A Passion For Your Cause said...

I am torn between two parties and am just looking for the final say from God,u know hw he says know no man by the flesh but by the Spirit..Your comment is eye opening ..thank you.

Mike Murenzvi said...

So now with 5 days to go I question the receipt of the answer to your prayer. Somehow I think you are still in that state of waiting. The Spirit speaks to us in many ways and I think now is the time you should listen to that little voice deep inside you. You know the one I speak of... the one that you push aside with the greatest of ease but gives you the greatest feeling of unease after you have don something wrong.

You speak of two parties in a 4-horse race how is it that you eliminated the other two? Are they not also in His plan? Who is to say that your 2 are potentially the right ones?

I add questions for you to be truly sure of yourself. To assert your with the fullest confidence and not have any regrets.

Mike Murenzvi said...

Well the initial time for choice has come and gone and the results of our combined choices have been partly made available. Where do you stand? What is YOUR take on the situation? Are we headed for a Kenya-like showdown or what?