Monday, July 6, 2009


I wrote this Poem just around the time I stopped blogging. See,I live in Zimbabwe and at that time things were so Zimbabwe is on its road to recovery.... God heard our cries..hes bringing healing to our nation...Faith is more than a channel through which we receive special favours; it is a calling, a daily walk. It is not just an optional extra but an everyday necessity…the issue here is inescapable – We live by faith or we do not live at all.In Zimbabwe we learnt and endured through Faith.To all the Zimbabweans who stayed, who journeyed with God through it all. I salute you.I believe this poem will make others understand what we went through.Im glad to be back on my blog!Missed you all.


Crushed to the core, shattered and distraught;
Our hearts are broken; we are grief- stricken and wretched.
So much pain, so much loss, it’s a hurting sting.
We sleep in tears crying out; we wake up to agony.

Merely striving to subsist we are;
As we make a crack at fulfilling our God given purposes;
We are persuaded that there is a way somehow.
An alleyway, a conduit, our way to break out!

Like sheep, we are being slaughtered daily,
The god of earth has taken so many lives now.
Some are growing weary everyday.
Show yourself strong again in us my God.

Give us a renewed strength and Hope.
Show us the ray of light at the end of this tunnel.
Rescue the blameless souls in this nation.
Deliver us from the injustices that we are being drawn into.

Is this an iniquity that is eating upon our land?
This is too intense to bear, too heart rending to endure.
Our hearts cry out to the Lord Elohim.
We trust in you, we know when we call you come to our rescue.

Some days it feels like our lives are just passing us by,
Like everything is on hold, like we are going backwards.
Like we are being pulled unknowingly into an abyss;
Yet we are still confident of your presence.

The comforting touch, sweet soft mushy feel of your Spirit;
Your joy, your peace; are the statures on which we stand.
Your love, your mercy and kindness all around us!
We live to tell of your goodness after this experience.

Arise oh God and let our enemies be scattered!
Tear down, uproot and replant again;
Forgive, reinstate, restore and rebuild;
Until we as a nation achieve our God given purpose;

Zimbabwe the Switzerland of Africa;
The breadbasket of this continent and the world!
The beautiful land endowed with God’s glory;
A land forever flowing of milk and honey. The End

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