Monday, August 3, 2009

Dispelling fear through God's word

The American Heritage dictionary defines fear as 'an extreme reverance or awe towards a supreme power'. This definition got me thinking; a child of God should never be afraid, allowing fear into your life is submitting oneself to its master. God never gave us a spirit of fear but of love, peace and a sound mind! We should fear nothing and noone but God.To fear God means to humbly entrust yourself to His power and faithfulness. If you fear God then he becomes your sanctuary,the place of safety amidst the storms of life.

See when one is afraid they start painting pictures that do not exist, but you know what..studies have found out that the subconscious mind does not know the difference between a mental picture and reality. So whatever you paint in your mind your subconscious mind believes it to be true! The reason we are always encouraged to visualise the future that we want to see is that whatever your subconcious mind believes to be true will manifest in material reality! Fear is not your portion as a born again believer, it imprisons, paralyses, disheartens, sickens and leaves you hopeless and useless. Trust God and have faith that He is our refuge and strength, our ever present help in times of need. He is the Lord of Hosts (mighty ruler of angels), the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, (faithful to keep His promises). If you belong to this God and entrust yourself to Him he will strengthen you and help you dispel all your fears.

The real antidote to our fears is the Word of God.It records God's track record of His faithfulness to His people. It helps you to also focus and affirm His character rather than your fears. It builds you up in your most holy faith. Faith dispels fears, faith liberates, faith empowers, encourages and heals! One writer wrote; "Feed your faith and your fears will starve to death!" I believe as you begin to meditate on His word you become who God created you to be, you begin to walk in authority as a believer.

I will conclude by a statement that Oswald Chambers wrote, he says; "The remarkable thing about fearing God is that when you fear God you fear nothing else, whereas if you do not fear God you fear everything else."
Be encouraged, Take authority as a believer right this very moment! Fear will hinder your ability to be of Service to God!


Of Worship, Words and Music said...

Thank you for this. at times, when the mind is left unchecked, it, on ocassion wanders. MAy the word forever be our source of light and hope. i walk on.

Unknown said...

Beautiful and timely. Definitely needed this reminder I as delve into His words: we live to love Him not to fear everything else.

Unknown said...

Great post. God bless..