Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Conviction Series

Part 2)

I haven’t blogged in a while, lots of thoughts, lessons and experiences on conviction but just wanted to gather my thoughts and write in a way that is more meaningful and less jumbled up. My sister is now well Glory be to God!
The study of conviction has been fascinating, it’s been an interesting journey and in this post I will conclude. It may resurface again later maybe because I feel such an urge to study it further.

Conviction and Faith.
When one is a person of conviction their level of Faith is increased, their manner of Prayer changes. Hebrews defines faith as 'the assurance of things hoped for, a conviction of things not seen!' Faith and conviction go hand in hand; you cannot have one without the other! To put it in simpler terms, faith is the vision, the picture; conviction on the other hand is the drive. It supports the picture, the vision. Conviction knows beyond a shadow of doubt that things will work out in a certain way.

Conviction and Peace
John 14:27 Peace I leave with you; my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be fearful.
When one is led by a conviction they are at peace, their mind is at rest because they know God is in control. They are not afraid of an unexpected outcome to their situation because they know they have already received even though it has not yet come to pass.

Conviction and Patience
Even if it takes forever, one who is a man or woman of conviction waits, there is a level of steadiness about this person. They are not moved by the wind, neither do they look to man but to God.

Conviction and Encouragement
1Sa 30:6 And David was greatly distressed; for the people spake of stoning him, because the soul of all the people was grieved, every man for his sons and for his daughters: but David encouraged himself in the LORD his God.
When one encourages themselves in the Lord they know God is got their back, they know God will not let them down. A man or woman of conviction encourages her/himself in the Lord! One does not wait for encouragement from man but from within, this can also be through positive affirmations to oneself.

I hope to hear from you readers, let’s share ideas about this interesting topic!

Monday, July 14, 2008

Conviction Series …

Part 1)

So many people have done so many daring and bold things…one would stop to wonder...what really made them do it? Many great men who have achieved significance in life have taken steps that no one has taken, steps most people wouldn’t dare take…what led them? What made them go on…..?

My spiritual father left USA at age 26 to come to Africa-Zimbabwe over 28years ago…A young man he was, never heard about Rhodesia never been to Africa… but he came…how did he do it? William Tyndale strangled and burnt choosing to die for you and I to have an English Bible today. What made him believe dying would solve his plea to the Kings of England? I’m inspired by his last words, "Lord, open the king of England's eyes." This prayer was answered three years later, in the publication of King Henry VIII’s 1539 English “Great Bible”
Other great men to note are Martin Luther, Mahatma Gandhi, Oral Roberts, Winston Churchill and our very own Nelson Mandela?

Conviction is a strong persuasion that something will happen; it is a trust, a confidence, sureness or certainty in what has not yet happened. It is an unshakable belief without need for proof or evidence or a firmly held belief; as other scholars would define it.
Over the next few weeks I will expound on conviction, I believe it is and important tool that God uses to communicate with us yet only a few have tapped into it. My spiritual father always says we need to be men and women of conviction…..I never quite knew what he meant until God showed me through a difficult experience that I wrote in my previous blog.

Now I can look back and say so many other doors have opened through God speaking to me through conviction. Nowadays I look for conviction in any area of my life or situation where there is unsure ness…it’s almost like a gut feeling! It’s knowing beyond a shadow of doubt that God is saying something, knowing that He is in control, not doubting him but having full confidence and trust in Him, in His word.

When you begin to walk in conviction here is what takes place;

1. You become a person who holds on.
It reminds me of what God, means when he says in Isaiah 41:10 Don’t panic. I'm with you. There's no need to fear for I'm your God. I'll give you strength. I'll help you. I'll hold you steady; keep a firm grip on you.
Like our father we need to keep a firm grip on the promises God has given us…We need to hold tight to what we know is true. My spiritual dad always talks about being men and women of conviction…letting the Spirit of God that is inside us persuade us, instill in us a trust and a confidence of a positive outcome concerning each and every situation we face.

2. You are led by faith not by your senses.
This is where what you see, feel, hear, taste and smell seizes to matter but God! What he has said, what you know, your conviction..
The roots of the meaning of the word ‘conviction’ are linked to the word ‘passion’..You begin to move with passion, with zeal…your passion which of course is very linked to your purpose!

To be continued……….(I will expound more on these points and also on how conviction is linked to Faith in the next blog.)

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

It's been a while....

Well,i know its been a long while since I blogged...techincal challenges,exams,work,ministry..but anyways life is good.

Want to talk about Conviction..
Have you ever had times where you know that you know that you know...that something is true or is gonna happen..
I recently went thru a bad experience and before i knew it the Spirit of God started ministering to me,he asked me to calm down,he asked me to;
1.Ask God,
2.Trust Him
After I prayed I immediately felt a deep conviction that the situation was going to be okay,that God wld see to it that it works well.What amazes me till today is that I didnt open my Bible,I dint to speak to anyone but I felt convinced God spoke to my heart and gave me a conviction of the truth of the matter.Confronting the situation,the sight was paralysing,I wanted to doubt the conviction I had,I wanted to cry..,I turned away and hoped when I'd look back God would show me a better picture.Turned around and the situation was still the same...My Spirit broke out in prayer..I poured out,In trust,in faith convinced that it was God who spoke into my heart that it was going to be okay. "As I laid my hands on her she moved her hand slightly..I knew,I knew..God is faithful.She would live and not die!live to declare the praises of God in the land of the living!"
As I write today,its been over two weeks the situation is still not better but I have never been even more convinced that its all going to be okay,I know God is faithful.I have since asked God what a conviction is...what it means...there is so much I have learnt...Mary when she got pregnant with Jesus,Daniel in the lion's Den, Daniel's friends in the fury furnace,Joseph in the dungeon,Abram when he left his home to a land he did not know...do you guys think conviction played a part?

I am going to talk more about conviction in my next blog..do send your comments.
Im off to ACTION CONFERENCE watch online visit www.celebratelife.tv
Will blog next week.

Friday, March 14, 2008

"Come as you'll be Party."

We are having A 2018 Come as you’ll be Party and Celebrations at Cross Culture on 05 April 08,at this party you come as you’ll be in 2018..All the goals you wanted to accomplish by then have already come to pass. You’ll be asked to act the part, talk the part and dress the part. You can bring your Husby and kids!! I know who I’ll be in 2018 and I am excited about this party.

Logic: When you maintain your future persona and act as if you have achieved all your wildest aspirations and dreams your subconscious mind becomes flooded with powerful and vivid images of your personal achievements. These infused with positive emotions generated by the events of the evening, will deeply strengthen the positive neural pathways in your brain that forges and deepens your new self image of becoming super successful. See you there!!! And we are publishing a Newspaper on the day...if you want your success story to be in..get in touch. Advertisers are also welcome.

I'ts "MY" Choice.

Been through quite a lot of experiences lately, ALL good, some negative but I CHOOSE to list them as good. Someone said when you encounter a challenging situation rather than asking "Why?" ask “For what purpose Lord?"...that was really a word in season for me.

Elections coming up, yes I’m going to vote but who for don’t know yet...I believe as a Child of God I’m gonna exercise my vote wisely. I’m voting for God, I’m waiting on the Holy Spirit to tell me where to cast my lot. I’ve seen a lot of emails over the past weeks; have attended a Prayer meeting for elections but guys its one thing to pray for the right Presidency and another to do God's will when casting your vote. Are we going to vote according to God's will or do we have our own preconceived ideas already bogged up in our minds? What will you CHOOSE to do?

Are you facing challenges? Are things just happening in your life in kinda like an automatic way? Do you believe in prayer? ....I pray and God orchestrates events in my life... for me things don’t just happen. You are where you are today as a result of the prayers you have made or the prayers you have NOT made! Make a CHOICE to shift things to the way you would want them to be. God honors people who pray. Pray with the WORD, every word is encrypted to perform, to hammer to achieve...God is looking for people who pray, people who stand in the Gap and pray.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

I just can't give up!

Lately I been listening to Mary Mary's I just can’t give up now from the Album Thankful. This song is an experience of someone who is on the edge but just can’t let go of God.....there is an innate insight of passion, of fervor or vehemence to keep stirring to the fore, to press on.I believe we all have the ability to draw out of ourselves the strength to press on! The strength that comes from Christ who dwells on the inside of us… He who is life and he who has instilled in us passion and zest for life!(but as always the choice is ours!)In whatever situation, when the treacherous waters of this world are surging …press on, set yourself in motion do not be sluggish, keep moving forward.
I went through a hurdle this week and alas! I forgot to jump!! I bumped right into it hurt myself but I got up and I am standing!! The Passion which fuels me just couldn’t let me on the ground. Dear friends I urge you, discover your Passion. One speaker once said; “Do you run away from the things that make you cry? If so then you are running away from your Passion…which definitely is linked to your Purpose.” What makes you happy? What energizes you and exerts pressure on you to act? Discover who you are!

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Talk about Passion!

I belive that one's desire is meant to be their destiny!Delight yourself in the LORD; and he shall give you the desires of your heart.Your Passion comes from this treasure hidden in you by the one who created you.Pasion is a deep desire,a stamina that says;"I'll do it nomatter what happens!"Its a craving,a hunger on the inside of you,I think you cant really achieve much success in life unless you have an inner need to accomplish something and thats Passion.
Passion can also be said to be a divine obligation,Paul in the Bible said " I am indebted to God..."Passion is deeper than commitment,its more than intrest,its what you want to live for!Its deeper than a resolution,its a deep motivation that fuels you to live....Its so daily!